A firefighter fosters a stray puppy after saving him from a fire.

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There have been many stories about firefighters who help people in trouble. The fire department is always there to save the day, whether it’s by saving animals from freezing water or getting stuck in a clogged road.

But sometimes firefighters go above and beyond what is expected of them to make sure these animals get to their bases and have a safe place to stay.

That’s what happened recently when a firefighter saved a puppy from a fire and then found him a foster home.

CBS Sacramento says that people from the Sacramento Fire Department found the little dog after going to a garbage fire.

Sacramento Fire Department said on their Instagram “While responding to a fire underneath eastbound I-80 just west of Norwood Avenue, Sacramento firefighters found a small puppy.The puppy didn’t have a name tag. So, animal control will be taking the puppy to Front Street Animal Shelter – City of Sacramento.In the meantime, we need your help to try to figure out a name for this puppy.Despite having some burns from the fire, the pup was still alive.”

“He had a lot more burned plastic on top of his fur, on top of his face, and on top of his head,” said firefighter Mike Thawley. He has a little bit of burned skin on the back of one of his legs.

The fire department not only saved the dog from the fire, but also made sure he had a safe place to recover.

The captain of the department called Thawley and asked if he was willing to foster the dog. The firefighter agreed since he had cared for rescued animals before.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

Thawley is taking care of the dog at his house right now while the Front Street Animal Shelter tries to find him a permanent home.

Now that the dog is with a loving family, he is getting better and is starting to open up to them.

Thawley says, “He got better after we gave him water, a bath, and some food.” As we started to take off some of the plastic, History’s personality started to show. He began to follow us around, wag his tail, and bite.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

Five years ago, the firefighter took in Chunk, an abandoned pit bull who was chained up to a hedge and had mange. He said that Chunk became his pet in the end.

Even though we don’t know where this puppy will end up, we can be sure he is in good hands while he waits to find his forever home.

Photo Credits – Sacramento Fire Department

In a Facebook post about the puppy without a name, the Sacramento Fire Department asked the public for help coming up with a good name. “Lucky,” “Scrappy,” and “Sparky” are all names that could be used.

We’re very happy that this dog is safe with a loving foster family. I’m glad that the firefighter went above and beyond to help this dog.

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