Like hawks and eagles, owls are also called “raptors” or “birds of prey.” This means that they hunt, kill, and eat other animals with sharp claws and curved bills.
But there are many ways that owls are different from hawks and eagles. Most owls have big heads, strong bodies, soft, smooth feathers, short tails, and toes that can point either forward or backward. The owl’s eyes look forward like ours do. Most owls are active at night and are called nocturnal birds.
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There are about 250 different kinds of owls around the world. They live on almost every continent except Antarctica, where it’s too cold for them to live.

Many owls’ calls have a special low frequency that helps them travel long distances without being absorbed by plants. If we learn these songs and other sounds that owls make, it will be easier to find them and figure out what kind they

A great picture of an owl hiding from the rain was taken by Tanja Brandt. It was surprising that this picture went viral on the Internet.

She is only a year and a half old, and her name is Poldi. He is the youngest of six sisters. Brandt said that she thought animals should be caught and photographed at the right time. He loves to take his pets for walks and spend time with them.