Adorable Violet Chinchillas Look Perfectly Round From Behind

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Chinchillas are cute animals with fur that is soft and fluffy. They are known for how they look, but did you know that they also have cute round butts? We can thank Cameron Holmes of Camerons Chinchillas in the UK for these perfectly round chinchilla butts.

These rodents are treated well, and they naturally look like this.  They live in the Andes mountains of South America, and their thick fur protects them from the harsh weather.

They get clean in the morning by taking dust baths. They also like to snack and take naps.

“We turn the lights and say good morning to all of the chinchillas and each of them is waiting by their food hopper waiting for it to be filled up.”

They are just so adorable, aren’t they?

Such fluffy little things.

They would probably love to cuddle up in your hands.

Look at this cuteness!

Can’t take how precious they are.

You can see more of them on their Instagram | Facebook | camchinchillas.

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