Learn About Stunning Indian Giant Squirrels

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We can see squirrels everywhere but you probably may haven’t seen squirrels like this. An associate director at the University Of Arizona’s School Of Natural Resources And The Environment named John Koprowski, an expert on squirrels saw this Malabar giant squirrel. This squirrel made him amazed and interested in them. This Shekou or the Indian Giant Squirrel is from India.

Due to their vast body, they look more like monkeys than squirrels. They grow almost up to 3 feet long. This beautiful squirrel was seen by John when he was in India. Not only does the size makes these Malabar giant squirrels unique but also the color of their body. As for John, the squirrels we see every day are not like these giant squirrels.

Their fur is brown, black, orange, maroon, and even purple color. It looks like a creature from another plant due to its unusual maroon and purple color. These bright colors are not only for beauty but also for camouflage. They can hide from their predators like leopards by having these patchy and dark colors.

As normal squirrels, they too jump from tree to tree but sometimes they can jump up to more than 20 feet. It’s good news to hear that currently, these animals are not in threat of extinction. But as they have beautiful fur people hunt them to get it. As they live in deep forests of Eastern or Southern India, it’s not that easy to find or hunt them. But still, it’s our responsibility to save them.

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