Stunning Breach Performance Of A Humpback Whale Near Fisherman’s Boat In Monterey Bay, California.

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A humpback whale burst out of the sea, startling a lone angler in Monterey Bay, California. The fisherman’s boat was merely saved from the massive creature which sank back into the water.

You can witness the dramatic and awe-inspiring scene of the whale breaching near the boat of the unsuspecting fisherman. This incredible moment was captured and presented to you by the photographer Douglas Croft, 60, and whale watcher Kate Cummings.

This breathtaking encounter highlights the beauty and unpredictability of nature, leaving both witnesses and readers in awe.

During the salmon season, Monterey Bay becomes lively with hundreds of boats which coincide with humpbacks returning for their summer feeding.

“This whale had breached a few times before this, and often they will just keep doing it,” he explained.

“I went below deck to shoot from a porthole close to the waterline. That’s what gives this amazing perspective of looking up at the whale,” Douglas shared. “The breach happening directly behind the fishing boat really shows the whale’s size.

“Since the boat is closer, it should look bigger, but the whale is huge! If I’d been the fisherman, I’d probably need some new underwear.”

Kate, who took the video, said, “It was fun capturing this video. The whale had already breached multiple times much further away from the fisherman.”

“But sometimes when whales breach multiple times, they’re also heading in a specific direction while underwater, building momentum for the next breach,” Kate explained. “I figured the next breach would be around the fisherman because the whale was heading that way, and sure enough! Though I didn’t expect the whale and the boat to line up so perfectly.”

If you are a startled sailor, You have to sail on a huge boat!

watch the video/ more info :

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  1. Amazing pictures but even more importantly is the awareness is brings to how precious our ocean life is & why we must protect it from pollution. There are millions of intelligent species living beneath us. It’s not a dumping ground but a deeply rooted rooted ecosystem. It’s their world too so let’s respect it & be in awe of it.🙏🏻❤️🌎🐳

  2. The thrill of a lifetime. So happy you were able to get fantastic pictures and share them. I actually had tears in my eyes.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you

  3. Thank you for the pics!! It truly is awesome to see those beautiful Whales! All of us should be their Protectors, and care for them always!! Thank you for posting those amazing pics and flim of the beautiful Whale!!


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